In case you're itching to use the software without reading the rest of the online help, here are a few tips to get you going:
The first time you run the application, you'll be prompted to select which folders to scan for music, and for what type of music files to scan for. Any music files found in these directories/subdirectories will be added to the Library. When music is added to the Library, existing Tags are never modified in any way.
See: Adding Files and Folders to the Library
Once your files have been added to the Library, navigate your way through your music collection by clicking different nodes in the Library portion of the tree in the MediaMonkey Explorer. The Track list in the main panel will update, depending on which node you select.
To play a Track, simply double-click it in the Track list. That Track will begin playing, followed by Tracks that were listed subsequent to it (in the default player configuration). To play specific Tracks, select several and then click the Play Now button on the toolbar.
To see the list of Tracks that are currently playing, look in the Now Playing window or click the Now Playing node in the tree.
See: Browse the Library, Playing Audio Tracks
If you want to try editing the properties associated with a Track, simply select the Track, right-click on it, and choose Edit Properties . Make your changes, and click 'Ok' to update the Track's Tag. If you're missing information or Album Art, right click on the track and choose Auto-Tag from Amazon.
As with other commands, if you select multiple Tracks and click Edit Properties , the command will apply to all of the selected Tracks.
See: Editing Track Properties, Auto-Tag from Amazon
Once you've played a few Tracks, you'll probably want to spend a bit of time customizing the application to suit your tastes. Try:
See: Customizing MediaMonkey's Appearance & Skin